Michael Cart Blog


Welcome to the Michael Cart Blog

For twenty-two years I’ve been a columnist for Booklist magazine. You may have seen the column; it’s called “Carte Blanche.” Additionally for two years, 1994-1996, I wrote a column called “The Children’s Bookshelf” for the Los Angeles Times. I tell you this simply so you’ll know that I’ve been sharing what’s on my mind for more than two decades, but this will be my first foray into writing a blog. Accordingly, you may consider me, for the time being, a blogger in training wheels. I’m anxious to get this endeavor underway to see what exactly I’ll be writing about. I suspect it may be as surprising to me as it will be to you. For the present I’m imagining it may be a combination of reportage and familiar essay. One thing I promise is that I will try my best to keep it lively and, yes, occasionally provocative. And, perhaps most importantly, I promise to update it regularly. So now it’s blogs away! I hope you’ll enjoy the effort.